Millennial Burns - A New Social-Media Genre?

Speaking of Rae Dunn...

Rae Dunn somehow led me to this parody on YouTube:

Between starting my PhD program, parenting, and, well, the election, 2016 was a lost year. Somehow I missed this little video. Essentially, it was precocious, a precursor. A prescient, pre-TikTok invitation to the sick millennial burns that have become a social media subgenre. 

If YouTubers created the millennial-burn genre, TikTokers have finetuned and finessed it, sharpening their nails on the short-form videos that have their own hashtag. 

(You guessed it: #millennials)

This one is a particularly fierce takedown, and it's gotten traction on Buzzfeed (itself a GenZ target). 

Here's the TikToker, glamdemon2004, and her description of said takedown: 

Here's the I would’ve added Harry Potter but I am too hot and popular to own a copy #fyp #millenials

 TikTok, on their article, "Elements of a TikTok Video," advise us would-be TikTokers to:

Think about writing clear descriptions in your videos so viewers can quickly understand what you’re trying to say. 

I think it's safe to say that glamdemon2004 made her message pretty clear. 


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