Hungry for Travel
I was supposed to go to Italy last June for research. That did not happen. (Italy had just started to open its borders to its European neighbors-- but not to the U.S. ) I spent last summer trying to re-create Italy at home, touring virtual galleries and reading my old guidebooks; ordering Florentine soap; reading Fleur Jaeggy, Cesare Pavese, and Elsa Morante; planting extra rows of San Marzano tomatoes, Rosa Bianca eggplants, and Genovese basil; and obsessively watching cooking videos on Giallo Zafferano and Italia Squisita , such as this one, "Pizza napoletana fatta in casa": I made the featured pizza, and it wasn't that bad!--though certainly not as good as Davide Civitello's, above. I learned a new technique (never use a rolling pin!), which stuck with me through my pizza-at-home year. Italy is open again to Americans, and I thought I would be first in line, in the American rush to go back. And when I heard the reopening news, I jumped on my computer and started...